13 Attributes of Mercy
When exploring topics for this week's torah study, I discovered that I had outlined 13 seperate themes in the Torah readings for the Pesach season. One of the topics is the 13 Attributes of Mercy....hmmmmmm.... 13 topics for study, 13 attributes of mercy-- clearly no maggid worth her money could resist this one. Here they are set side by side together. The translation for the 13 attributes I'm using is gifted to us by R. David Wolfe-Blank (z'l). Keep in mind that the order of torah topics is as it came to me before I thought of this exercise-- sort of an I Ching approach to torah study. I wonder what we'll make of this? Let's see:
Ad-nai, Ad-nai
1) E-L : Expanding force of kindness
Moshe Rabeynu pleas to HaShem on behalf of the people
2) Rachum: Merciful Womb
Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
3) V'Chanun: Graceful Giver
On not seeing the Face of HaShem; On seeing the Back of HaShem; The dialogue between Moshe Rabeynu and HaShem
4) Erech: Long-Stretched Web
The Offerings for Pesach
5) Apayim: Many Faceted Jewel
The relevance of the Pesach offerings to our lives today
6) V'Rav Chesed: Maestro of Generosity
Peoplehood issues, including issues of the Proselyte and Stranger amonst us
7) V'Emet: Dispatcher of Truth
Kashrut Specific Commandments: Lo! ...kid in it's mother's milk; Lo! ...slaughter young and mother on the same day; Lo! ...take young before 8th day.
8) Notzer Chesed: Funnel of Kindness
Redemption of first born; Pidyon HaBen
9) La'alafim: Helper of Thousands
Counting of the Omer and the Pesach-Shavuot cycle
10) Noseh Avon: Tolerator of Distortion
Renewal of Spiritual Life of the People
11) Vafesha: Who puts up with intentional error
Mass Circumcision
12) V'Chata'ah: Shoulders of ommision
Ressurection of Dry Bones
13) V'Nakay: And Cleanses
Messianic Redemption
At 1:02 AM, Soferet said…
Did you knowtice that the Nun beginning the word Notzeyr is written larger than the rest?
At 11:17 AM, Maggid Sarah said…
No, In fact I didn't... why is this? I DID notice that since we've started the V'Yikra cyle there have been several incidents of Larger/Smaller letters-- An Aleph, and a Mem at least, and others?
Been meaning to ask you about this!
At 9:09 PM, HUNG SO LO said…
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