Wilderness Maggid

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Minhagim for Passover in a Post-Exilic Age


Here are two excellent articles on food, Pesach and tradition for the modern age. I have some thoughts of my own to follow in the next few days, but for now check these out:

From Tzipporah, on choosing from many equally valid minhagim (customs). You'll see in the comments section that I've querried Tzipporah directly on the issue of kashrut-- but only because I know her kavannah to be on the highest level.

From Velveteen Rabbi, inspiring thoughts on the nature of matzah. Always thought provoking, thanks velvet!

From Maggid Sarah: Remember, whatever your pesach customs and observance, the most important thing is to be In Process and to be In Community. See you at the splitting of the sea!

Blessings to you all for a Hag Pesach Tov


  • At 3:41 PM, Blogger Tzipporah said…

    ok, yikes, I'd better pay more attention to what I write, now that you're sending people my way!

    Hag Sameach!

  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger Maggid Sarah said…


    Everything you write is well informed and inspiring reading for us all. You bring a very deep, integral Jewish perspective that belongs in the world. If I prod you sometimes, it's because I think you have the Jewish "backbone" to take it and speak wisdom in return. Bless you friend for being you.

    Hag Sameach, Brachot!


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