Manna Energy
Fellow Blogger Tzipporah recently bemoaned her status as overworked volunteer extraordinaire in her community (Interpretive paraphrasing, of course). Here's my advice to her, I think we all could use a dose of it:
Perspective? Look to the name of your blog! (Midianite Manna) You are "manna" for your community. As such, the community needs to respect how much of your energy and efforts is healthful to take, and take no more. This is the principle of manna-- you get exactly what you need, what is healthful, and no more. Anything that is horded for future use becomes wormy and inedible. So too with your energy. Once the community starts hording your energy beyond what is healthful for you, then your efforts become wormy and of not constructive use to the community. This may sound like a big leap, but if you think about it it will make sense. Better for some things not to get done, than let the hording of your manna energy burn you out. Honest.
Fellow Blogger Tzipporah recently bemoaned her status as overworked volunteer extraordinaire in her community (Interpretive paraphrasing, of course). Here's my advice to her, I think we all could use a dose of it:
Perspective? Look to the name of your blog! (Midianite Manna) You are "manna" for your community. As such, the community needs to respect how much of your energy and efforts is healthful to take, and take no more. This is the principle of manna-- you get exactly what you need, what is healthful, and no more. Anything that is horded for future use becomes wormy and inedible. So too with your energy. Once the community starts hording your energy beyond what is healthful for you, then your efforts become wormy and of not constructive use to the community. This may sound like a big leap, but if you think about it it will make sense. Better for some things not to get done, than let the hording of your manna energy burn you out. Honest.
At 3:08 PM, Tzipporah said…
Thanks, dear Maggid!
You're very good at putting things in perspective.
I'll try to find some old apples to bring along to my next meeting with the leadership in explaining this... ;)
At 3:21 PM, Maggid Sarah said…
Your welcome! You know I like holy rabble rousing! Thanks for the D'var, I'm reading it now.
Blessings to you friend.
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