Wilderness Maggid

Monday, July 31, 2006

Tisha B'Av is for Redemption Too!


Just to remind us, in these troubling (horrific) times, that Tisha B'Av is for Redemption Too-- here are two photos of me visiting the grandparents in Utah, where we are having a most excellent visit together. (actually, we are ranting and weeping and very heavy hearted... but also having joyous family time together-- so true to my birth parashot (this week) our time together has been about destruction and redemption.) OY!

Anyrate, in this particular photo moment, we have just gotten out of an excellent performance of "The Music Man" at the Utah Festival Opera. I know, I know, we're inside of the three weeks (and this was shabbos too) but while I tend toward Orthodoxy, they are Reform and the one time a year I visit I just have to bend-- it's the only honorable thing to do. Here we are:


  • At 10:33 AM, Blogger Tzipporah said…

    Looks like you're having a great time - I'm so glad! And ranting is always better with friends and family around. Keep posting so we can see what you're up to.


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