Wilderness Maggid

Monday, September 12, 2005

Dangers of Catsitting!

60. Other Sources of Impurity - She'ar Avos ha-Tumos

The corpse or severed limb of an animal make a person who moves or touches
it or a utensil that touches it impure, as it says "[One who touches their
corpses shall be impure until evening...]

Gevalt!! Today I found myself doing CPR on a chipmunk. Er... that's right, mouth to nose resucitation and everything. It died, of course. Before you think this maneuver totally absurd on my part, I successfully resucitated the cat's previous victim two days earlier (cardiac massage only, no nose kisses that time). Clearly, Elijah I am not, but you know, often the little beasts are basically unharmed and die from shock, so it is possible sometimes to revive them.

Good thing I'm going to the Mikveh tomorrow!!


  • At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 9:06 AM, Blogger Soferet said…

    You have a miqveh in Eugene? Cool!

  • At 9:49 PM, Blogger Maggid Sarah said…

    Yes, we do have a miqveh, and a beautiful one,at that! We also have two servicible rivers, as well. This however was an entirely different miqveh out in the Oregon wilds. Hour's drive to a wooded lake, couple mile hike around to a secluded spot, balance beam walk, buck naked, out over a fallen log to get to open water....and freezing cold.

    L'Shana Tova!


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