Dangers of Catsitting!
60. Other Sources of Impurity - She'ar Avos ha-Tumos
The corpse or severed limb of an animal make a person who moves or touches
it or a utensil that touches it impure, as it says "[One who touches their
corpses shall be impure until evening...]
Gevalt!! Today I found myself doing CPR on a chipmunk. Er... that's right, mouth to nose resucitation and everything. It died, of course. Before you think this maneuver totally absurd on my part, I successfully resucitated the cat's previous victim two days earlier (cardiac massage only, no nose kisses that time). Clearly, Elijah I am not, but you know, often the little beasts are basically unharmed and die from shock, so it is possible sometimes to revive them.
Good thing I'm going to the Mikveh tomorrow!!
The corpse or severed limb of an animal make a person who moves or touches
it or a utensil that touches it impure, as it says "[One who touches their
corpses shall be impure until evening...]
Gevalt!! Today I found myself doing CPR on a chipmunk. Er... that's right, mouth to nose resucitation and everything. It died, of course. Before you think this maneuver totally absurd on my part, I successfully resucitated the cat's previous victim two days earlier (cardiac massage only, no nose kisses that time). Clearly, Elijah I am not, but you know, often the little beasts are basically unharmed and die from shock, so it is possible sometimes to revive them.
Good thing I'm going to the Mikveh tomorrow!!
At 11:02 PM, Anonymous said…
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At 9:06 AM, Soferet said…
You have a miqveh in Eugene? Cool!
At 9:49 PM, Maggid Sarah said…
Yes, we do have a miqveh, and a beautiful one,at that! We also have two servicible rivers, as well. This however was an entirely different miqveh out in the Oregon wilds. Hour's drive to a wooded lake, couple mile hike around to a secluded spot, balance beam walk, buck naked, out over a fallen log to get to open water....and freezing cold.
L'Shana Tova!
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